Hello one and all,
I am the webmaster of this website (Webmaster). It is my job to develop and maintain this website, especially from the technical side. I am, of course, a Christian. Like many people in Western countries, I was born into a Christian family that was not very active in the Church. When I was about 2 years old, I was baptised in one of the main-stream, traditional churches. My parents didn't go to church in my early years and didn't read their Bibles, read me Bible stories or tell me anything about the Bible. The only "Christian" thing we did was to celebrate Christmas and Easter.
I guess that's what they call being a cultural Christian today. Later on I started attending different churches from the Anglican Church to Full Gospel and Rhema. Then I got to the point where I stopped going to church altogether.
Now, I am doing my best to Study God's Word and pray every day, spend some quiet time with the Lord and do as much as I can for Him and fellow Christians.
I encourage you to introduce yourself and get involved in our online community. Not every Church or Ministry or Christian organisation cares, but RGM does, so get involved and become part of our family and community.
Love you all,